Morocco, a committed leader in Africa for Sustainable Mobility

On the occasion of the COP22 held in Marrakech in 2016, the Paris Process for Mobility and Climate (PPMC) presented a global macro-roadmap on shifting transport towards more sustainable mobility. This initiative has inspired Morocco to initiate the first national adaptation of this model and to serve as an example for other emerging countries, by integrating aspects of sustainability within the local context. Consequently, the Roadmap for Sustainable Mobility in Morocco aims to bring about mobility that is affordable, effective, energy efficient, low in emissions and respectful of the environment and the population, thanks to an inclusive process that brings together public and private mobility players working in the fields of transport, energy and city management.

Within the regional and African context, Morocco could thus highlight its leadership role to push for the continent’s commitment to sustainable mobility and to encourage other countries to follow its footsteps in the spirit of south-south cooperation.



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